Deploying kernel modules

KMM watches Node and Module resources in the cluster to determine if a kernel module should be loaded on or unloaded from a node.
To be eligible for a Module, a Node must:

  • have labels that match the Module's .spec.selector field;
  • run a kernel version matching one of the items in the Module's .spec.moduleLoader.container.kernelMappings;
  • if ordered upgrade is configured in the Module, have a label that matches its .spec.moduleLoader.container.version field.

When KMM needs to reconcile nodes with the desired state as configured in the Module resource, it creates worker Pods on the target node(s) to run the necessary action.
The operator monitors the outcome of those Pods and records that information. It uses it to label Node objects when the module was successfully loaded, and to run the device plugin (if configured).

Worker Pods

Worker pods run the KMM worker binary that

  • pulls the kmod image configured in the Module resource;
  • extract it in the Pod's filesystem;
  • runs modprobe with the right arguments to perform the necessary action.

kmod images are standard OCI images that contains .ko files. Learn more about how to build a kmod image.

Device plugin

If .spec.devicePlugin is configured in a Module, then KMM will create a device plugin DaemonSet in the cluster. That DaemonSet will target nodes:

  • that match the Module's .spec.selector;
  • on which the kernel module is loaded.

Module CRD

The Module Custom Resource Definition represents a kernel module that should be loaded on all or select nodes in the cluster, through a kmod image. A Module specifies one or more kernel versions it is compatible with, as well as a node selector.

The compatible versions for a Module are listed under .spec.moduleLoader.container.kernelMappings. A kernel mapping can either match a literal version, or use regexp to match many of them at the same time.

The reconciliation loop for Module runs the following steps:

  1. list all nodes matching .spec.selector;
  2. build a set of all kernel versions running on those nodes;
  3. for each kernel version:
    1. go through .spec.moduleLoader.container.kernelMappings and find the appropriate container image name. If the kernel mapping has build or sign defined and the container image does not already exist, run the build and / or signing pod as required;
    2. create a worker Pod pulling the container image determined at the previous step and running modprobe;
    3. if .spec.devicePlugin is defined, create a device plugin DaemonSet using the configuration specified under .spec.devicePlugin.container;
  4. garbage-collect:
    1. obsolete device plugin DaemonSets that do not target any node;
    2. successful build pods;
    3. successful signing pods.

Soft dependencies between kernel modules

Some setups may require that several kernel modules be loaded in a specific order to work properly, although the modules do not directly depend on each other through symbols. depmod is usually not aware of those dependencies, and they do not appear in the files it produces.
If mod_a has a soft dependency on mod_b, modprobe mod_a will not load mod_b.

Soft dependencies can be declared in the Module CRD via the .spec.moduleLoader.container.modprobe.modulesLoadingOrder field:

modulesLoadingOrder:  # optional
  - mod_a
  - mod_b

With the configuration above:

  • the loading order will be mod_b, then mod_a;
  • the unloading order will be mod_a, then mod_b.

The first value in the list, to be loaded last, must be equivalent to the moduleName.

Replacing an in-tree module

Some modules loaded by KMM may replace in-tree modules already loaded on the node.
To unload in-tree modules before loading your module, set .spec.moduleLoader.container.inTreeModulesToRemove:

        moduleName: mod_a
        # ...

      # Other fields removed for brevity
      inTreeModulesToRemove: [mod_a, mod_b]

The worker Pod will first try to unload the in-tree mod_b before loading mod_a from the kmod image.
When the worker Pod is terminated and mod_a is unloaded, mod_b will not be loaded again.

Example resource

Below is an annotated Module example with most options set. More information about specific features is available in the dedicated pages:

kind: Module
  name: my-kmod
        moduleName: my-kmod  # Required

        dirName: /opt  # Optional

        # Optional. Will copy /firmware/* on the node into the path specified
        # in the `kmm-operator-manager-config` at `worker.setFirmwareClassPath`
        # before `modprobe` is called to insert the kernel module..
        firmwarePath: /firmware

        parameters:  # Optional
          - param=1

        modulesLoadingOrder:  # optional
          - my-kmod
          - my_dep_a
          - my_dep_b

      imagePullPolicy: Always  # optional

      inTreeModuleToRemove: my-intree-kmod  # optional and deprecated, use inTreeModulesToRemove
      inTreeModulesToRemove: [my-intree-kmod, my-other-intree-kmod] # optional

      kernelMappings:  # At least one item is required
        - literal: 6.0.15-300.fc37.x86_64
          containerImage: some.registry/org/my-kmod:6.0.15-300.fc37.x86_64

        # For each node running a kernel matching the regexp below,
        # KMM will create a DaemonSet running the image specified in containerImage
        # with ${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION} replaced with the kernel version.
        - regexp: '^.+\fc37\.x86_64$'
          containerImage: "some.other.registry/org/my-kmod:${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}"

        # For any other kernel, build the image using the Dockerfile in the my-kmod ConfigMap.
        - regexp: '^.+$'
          containerImage: "some.registry/org/my-kmod:${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}"
          inTreeModuleToRemove: my-intree-kmod  # optional and deprecated, use inTreeModulesToRemove
          inTreeModulesToRemove: [my-intree-kmod, my-other-intree-kmod] # optional
            buildArgs:  # Optional
              - name: ARG_NAME
                value: some-value
            secrets:  # Optional
              - name: some-kubernetes-secret  # Will be available in the build environment at /run/secrets/some-kubernetes-secret.
              # Optional and not recommended! If true, the build will be allowed to pull the image in the Dockerfile's
              # FROM instruction using plain HTTP.
              insecure: false
              # Optional and not recommended! If true, the build will skip any TLS server certificate validation when
              # pulling the image in the Dockerfile's FROM instruction using plain HTTP.
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: false
            dockerfileConfigMap:  # Required
              name: my-kmod-dockerfile
              name: cert-secret  # Required
              name: key-secret  # Required
              - /opt/lib/modules/${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}/my-kmod.ko
            # Optional and not recommended! If true, KMM will be allowed to check if the container image already exists
            # using plain HTTP.
            insecure: false
            # Optional and not recommended! If true, KMM will skip any TLS server certificate validation when checking if
            # the container image already exists.
            insecureSkipTLSVerify: false

  devicePlugin:  # Optional
      image: some.registry/org/device-plugin:latest  # Required if the devicePlugin section is present

      env:  # Optional
        - name: MY_DEVICE_PLUGIN_ENV_VAR
          value: SOME_VALUE

      volumeMounts:  # Optional
        - mountPath: /some/mountPath
          name: device-plugin-volume

    volumes:  # Optional
      - name: device-plugin-volume
          name: some-configmap

    serviceAccountName: sa-device-plugin  # Optional; created automatically if not set

  imageRepoSecret:  # Optional. Used to pull kmod and device plugin images
    name: secret-name

  selector: ""

Variable substitution

The following Module fields support shell-like variable substitution:

  • .spec.moduleLoader.container.containerImage;
  • .spec.moduleLoader.container.kernelMappings[*].containerImage;
  • .spec.moduleLoader.container.sign.filesToSign;
  • .spec.moduleLoader.container.kernelMappings[*].sign.filesToSign;

The following variables will be substituted:

Name Description Example
KERNEL_FULL_VERSION The kernel version we are building for 6.3.5-200.fc38.x86_64
MOD_NAME The Module's name my-mod
MOD_NAMESPACE The Module's namespace my-namespace

Unloading the kernel module

To unload a module loaded with KMM from nodes, simply delete the corresponding Module resource. KMM will then create worker Pods where required to run modprobe -r and unload the kernel module from nodes.


To create unloading worker Pods, KMM needs all the resources it used when loading the kernel module. This includes the ServiceAccount that are referenced in the Module as well as any RBAC you may have defined to allow privileged KMM worker Pods to run. It also includes any pull secret referenced in .spec.imageRepoSecret.
To avoid situations where KMM is unable to unload the kernel module from nodes, make sure those resources are not deleted while the Module resource is still present in the cluster in any state, including Terminating.
KMM ships with a validating admission webhook that rejects the deletion of namespaces that contain at least one Module resource.

Security and permissions

Loading kernel modules is a highly sensitive operation. Once loaded, kernel modules have all possible permissions to do any kind of operation on the node.

Pod Security standards

KMM creates privileged workload to load the kernel modules on nodes.
If Pod Security Admission is enabled in the cluster, an administrator needs to configure the isolation level for the namespace where the Module is deployed for the worker and device plugin pods to work.

kubectl label --overwrite ns "${namespace}"